St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner resigns

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner resigns

Kimberly Gardner is the St. Louis Circuit Attorney who has been in office since 2017. She is the first African American woman to hold this position and has faced many challenges and controversies during her tenure. In this blog post, I will discuss why I think she should resign from her role and how her actions have harmed the city of St. Louis.

One of the main reasons why I think Gardner should resign is her mishandling of the case against Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the couple who pointed guns at protesters outside their home in June 2020. Gardner charged them with felony unlawful use of a weapon, despite the fact that they were defending their property and had a legal right to bear arms. She also used the case as a political tool to raise funds for her re-election campaign, which was unethical and unprofessional.

Another reason why I think Gardner should resign is her lack of transparency and accountability. She has refused to cooperate with investigations into her conduct and has sued the city, the police union, and others for allegedly conspiring against her. She has also failed to disclose travel expenses and campaign donations, which raises questions about her integrity and honesty.

Finally, I think Gardner should resign because she has failed to deliver justice and safety for the people of St. Louis. She has dismissed thousands of cases, including violent crimes and homicides, without explanation or review. She has also alienated many of her staff, who have resigned or been fired for speaking out against her policies and practices. She has lost the trust and respect of the law enforcement community, the judiciary, and the public.

In conclusion, I believe that Kimberly Gardner is unfit to serve as the St. Louis Circuit Attorney and should resign immediately. Her actions have damaged the reputation and credibility of her office and have endangered the lives and rights of the citizens of St. Louis. She has shown that she is not interested in upholding the law, but in pursuing her own agenda and interests.


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