Dust storm Coachella Valley (part 2)

But on this particular day, the dust storm was unlike any other. The winds were stronger, the sand and dust thicker, and the sky a deep shade of orange. The people of Coachella Valley hunkered down in their homes, hoping to wait out the storm.

As the winds howled outside, Maria sat at her kitchen table, staring out the window at the swirling sand and dust. She had always found beauty in the chaos of a dust storm, but this one was different. This one felt ominous, almost supernatural.

Suddenly, Maria heard a knocking at her door. She hesitated, wondering who could be out in this storm, but curiosity got the better of her. She opened the door and was greeted by a figure covered head to toe in sand and dust.

"Please, help me," the figure gasped, collapsing onto Maria's doorstep.

Maria recognized the voice immediately. It was her ex-husband, Miguel.

She pulled him inside and closed the door behind her.


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